By Published On: September 6th, 20182.4 min readLast Updated: May 22nd, 2023
Five women are smiling for a photo. two of them have vibrant hair colors—green and pink. they are fashionably dressed, and one wears a black hat.

Education is huge for hairstylists, believe it or not. It’s how we keep up with trends that Pinterest always seems to be a step ahead of us on. So, when a few of us found out that Instagram influencer and master stylist Gina Bianca (@the_hair_doctor) was going to be hosting a class in Miami (a mere four hour drive from Orlando) we knew we had to be there. With the help of Jes Bauman himself, we soon had flights booked, and a month of anxious excitement ahead of us.

When finally the fateful day was upon us, the four of us met up and headed to the airport for our sunrise flight. When we landed at Miami International Airport, a brief forty-five minutes later, our first stop was for Cuban coffee before lining up outside the class venue to check in. Gina and her team were buzzing around, making sure everyone had what they needed. Having followed her on Instagram, I was pleasantly surprised that her energy in person was just as lovely and real as I’d come to think of her online persona.

The class itself was six hours jam packed with techniques, anecdotes, and advice. I loved how willing Gina and her colleagues were to take questions and give thoughtful and useful answers. One of the biggest things I took away from it was that, as a hairstylist, I am a skilled professional, and that my work is valuable. I know, from personal experience and from talking to others in the business, that hairstylists have a tendency to charge less than we’re worth. Everyone has different reasons for doing so, but Gina’s class reminded me that I can’t get back the time that I spend on my clients, and I shouldn’t consider my time less valuable than theirs.

Feeling full with knowledge and tools to use moving forward, the four of us treated ourselves to a sushi dinner and discussed the notes we’d taken, and what we wanted to present to the rest of our team when we got back. Soon enough, we were back at the airport and heading back home.

The things I gained from attending this class were invaluable, for sure, and spending the day with my coworkers solidified the fact that I wouldn’t want to work anywhere else. We are so lucky to not only be able to do what we love as a career, but to work for someone who supports our growth as stylists, and wants to see us learn new things and evolve in our craft. Those 14 hours in Miami are some that I’ll never forget, and I can’t wait to see what other adventures my career lays out in front of me.

Promotional graphic featuring a smiling woman with the text "written by monika knowlts. book an appointment with me today" on a blue and gray background.
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