By Published On: October 15th, 20192.3 min readLast Updated: May 22nd, 2023

Spooky season is upon us, and for those of us with limited time and funds to put together a costume, it’s time to get creative. Luckily, a little makeup and hair can go a long way, and I’ve got a few ideas to make your costume a hit, without your bank account taking a hit. So, whether you’re planning to get witchy on Wall Street, get down with the ghouls at the annual Thornton Park Block Party (or Orlando’s new, Halloween-themed bar, Cocktails & Screams), or just to stay home and pass out the goods; here are some tricks so that you can save your money for more treats.

A lively street festival at night with crowds of people in costumes under a canopy of red, white, and blue lights.

Mouse Ears

For an easy, Orlando classic, split your hair down the middle and use elastics to create pigtails high on your head. Next, back-comb the hair a bit to create fullness, wrap each pigtail into a bun, and secure them with bobby pins. Use hairspray to make sure your ears stay put, draw on a nose and some whiskers, and you’re set!

A woman with blonde hair wearing mouse ears, expressing surprise and captioned with "i'm a mouse, duh!" in a humorous tone.

Mermaid Braid

If you’re looking for something more nautical, try a fishtail braid to go with your mer-babe look. This braid is one of the easiest to do, and one of the most stunning. Pull the braid apart for a more boho-look, and try adding glitter if you’re feeling extra magical.

Vamped Up

If classic spooky is more your thing, try Elvira’s signature look. Section your hair starting just below the crown, and clip any hair below this section out of the way. Backcomb the top section, one small slice at a time, starting from the underneath-most part of the section and working your way forward. Leave enough hair out at the top to smooth back over the backcombed hair, using hairspray and a boar bristle or other fine bristled hair brush. Lock it all in with a hefty layer of hairspray, put on your finest black clothes, and you’re ready to party!

Animated image of a woman with voluminous black hair and wearing a black outfit, playfully flexing her arms in an indoor setting with colorful decor in the background.

Star Wars Inspired

For a simple, yet pop-culturally relevant costume, Star Wars is the way to go. In the new trilogy, the main character, Rey, wears her hair in three looped buns, which can be created by making three horseshoe-shaped sections, pulling each into a ponytail, and looping them through. Pair this with a beige outfit, and you’re ready to save the galaxy!

A woman in a white outfit runs across a vast desert landscape, mountains in the background, under a cloudy sky.

Final Thoughts

Even if Halloween is an afterthought for you, there are still ways to get in the spirit. So, scare up some bobby pins and hairspray for your DIY look, or perhaps just have us work our magic on you this year, instead. Either way, I’m sure you’ll look boo-tiful this Halloween!

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more tricks & treats!

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