By Published On: October 15th, 20182.7 min readLast Updated: May 22nd, 2023

Listen, I get it. You’re bored with your look, you can’t change the color again, and there’s a little seasonally appropriate devil on your shoulder whispering ideas into your ear. It’s hard not to succumb to the urge to get bangs under these conditions, I’ve done it time and time again.

While bangs can be a great way for a quick, and fairly drastic change, they are very much a long-term commitment. Take it from me, someone who has grown out my bangs at least half a dozen times, it is a slow process, and something you don’t want to decide to do immediately after getting them. So, here are some things you need to know before you start searching for bang inspo on Pinterest.

What You Should Know About Banglife Styling

Unless you are one of those lucky people with a flawless, cowlick-free hairline, you’ll have to style your bangs daily. If styling your hair is already a significant part of your routine, running a brush and blow drier over your new bangs will be a breeze, but if you’re like me and prefer to just brush and go, be mindful that bangs will add time to your morning ritual. Because bangs touch your face, they tend to get oily more quickly than the rest of the hair. My favorite trick is to dampen the bangs with water or Bumble and Bumble’s Prep, blow dry with a round brush, and then lightly spray with dry shampoo to add longevity to the style.

A woman with bright orange hair in a bob cut looks to the side, wearing a camo tank top with a rose emblem, paired with a black skirt. she has a visible tattoo on her right arm.


To maintain the length, most people get bang trims every two to three weeks. Luckily, it usually takes less than ten minutes, but if your salon is too out of the way to justify popping in twice a month, you’ll more than likely wind up with a curtain over your eyes by the time you’re in for your next haircut.


As I mentioned before, the hair touching your face will get oily, and vice versa. With bangs, you must be mindful to cleanse your forehead thoroughly when washing your face to avoid breaking out, and it’s recommended to sleep with them pinned back so your skin can breathe at night.

A woman with shoulder-length brown hair and bangs, wearing orange lipstick and large hoop earrings, smiles in a room. she has on a striped, sleeveless top.

The Grow Out

I think most of us have had to suffer through the awkward stages of growing out a haircut at some point in our lives; this is potentially what causes hesitation at the idea of getting bangs. It’s not always pretty, but it always passes eventually. If you can commit to getting creative with bobby pins when you decide you’re done with the fringe, then you deserve to look bangin’.

A woman with short pink hair, wearing a sparkling silver dress, sits on a wooden bench and sips wine from a glass. she has a tattoo on her upper left arm and wears black slip-on shoes.

Final Thoughts

If the upkeep sounds manageable with your lifestyle, I say go for it! You’ll never know until you try it, and the good news is that hair grows (though not always as quickly as we’d like it to). Who knows? Maybe you with bangs is the you you’ve always wanted to be!

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